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We just got back from Las Vegas to meet baby Archer (Brookes new baby). Easton will be 2 in August, but has been going through his terrible two's for a while now... When he is at home he has his moments, but he is comfortable and knows his limits. When we leave the house, things change dramatically. He does good in grocery stores, restaurant's, but acts out at the park, and other peoples houses. People wonder why I am so stern with him at this age, the answer is simple. It's because he isn't getting any younger, each day he is learning. If I allow him to act out, hit, or yell at your house, he will think it's okay when he gets home. Also the way your child acts is a reflection of your parenting, I think the exception to that is TERRIBLE TWO'S.

All children go through their stages, they may not have terrible twos, but they might have their terrible 4's. If you can honestly tell me your children were perfect and never acted out that tells me one of 2 things. 1. it's been at least 20 years since you had children that young and you don't remember or 2. your lying lol. I have noticed a pattern with parents who's kids are my age, they always say their kids were perfect and NEVER acted that way. It's not true, so moms don't feel bad when you hear people saying that. It's hard for parents of adults to remember all the way back then, even if they do remember they don't want to remember the bad times so they purposely forget.

To me, being a mother means a few things. It means YOU are responsible for your children (DUH), but unfortunately not all moms realize that. It means YOU are responsible for disciplining your child, I should not have to do it for you. It means YOU sacrifice for your child, YOU are no longer living for you, it's not about your children. It means YOU are changed from the inside out, I never want to be away from my kids in fear of missing a milestone or something as simple as a laugh. I am devoted to being a good mom, that is so important to me. If on my death bed I can say I was a good mother and my kids agree, then I will die happy.

Our Vegas trip was a lot of fun, Archer is a handsome little angel. Boston and Archer are exactly 2 months apart which is awesome, she has someone her age. Easton and Everett play so well together, I'm thankful that he has a cousin who is gentle with him and Boston. Everett is a ray of sunshine who I love very much, I miss him already. We also celebrated Everetts 4th birthday while we were there and we got Everett a starter golf set. It was so darn cute, he just loved it and that made my day. Grandma Everett also known as G-ma had so much fun with Boston. Boston just loved her and believe it or not I even left Boston with her while we took the boys to the splash pad. What a milestone for mommy!

I have had the worst anxiety lately, my doctor told me that I should try and handle it in a natural way while I'm nursing. He told me he doesn't recommend meds right away, that's my kind of doctor! I am going to start writing and singing again, going to the gym regularly, and just trying to find myself again. My identity lately has been strictly MOMMY and I love it, but I need to be Chantal the mommy in order to be happy and hopefully kick this anxiety. My doctor said that after I am done nursing and if it's still a daily problem like it is now, then he will put me on meds for the sake of my happiness and quality of life.

My anxiety was so high during the Vegas trip because Easton just refused to stop screaming around the house, it just got louder and louder. I love my boy and I know how sweet and good he can be, I just wish he would show everyone else when we were in public. I feel like he is feeling my anxiety so he acts out. Unfortunately anxiety isn't something you can stick in your back pocket and forget about, it is a real thing and it's really hard to calm down after it sets in. I feel responsible for how my son acts in public sometimes, I need to kick this anxiety. I also got to see my best friend, I stopped by her work on the way home. She is going through a hard time with depression and it's hard that I can't be there with her to help her.

All in all the weekend was great because we got to spend time with family, I am just so happy to be home. Easton thrives here. He ran upstairs, jumped in his bed, and passed out cuddling up to his big fluffy green pillows. Now that we are home it's time to start planning Fathers Day for my hubby, he is such a great daddy that it needs to be super special. I am excited to see what I come up with :)

Happy Monday
Stay Beautiful!!


  1. Love these pics.
    girrrrrrl krae has some terrible 2- whi knows when. Each person just say wait until theyre 3,4,5,6, etc.
    The control issues and back talking start mighty young. Maybe it's my strong personality shining thru him. Idk ha
    you're a wonderful momma. I miss you dearly

  2. Love these pics.
    girrrrrrl krae has some terrible 2- whi knows when. Each person just say wait until theyre 3,4,5,6, etc.
    The control issues and back talking start mighty young. Maybe it's my strong personality shining thru him. Idk ha
    you're a wonderful momma. I miss you dearly

