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Terrible twos is getting the best of me.

My son is hitting, screaming, yelling, more screaming, not listening, refuses to communicate what he wants, more screaming, more hitting, tantrums all day!!!!!!!!!! It has literally pushed me to the edge the last couple of days, I try time out, when it's really bad he gets a swat to the bum, now as we speak I am trying putting him in his room until he can calm down and until I can also. I seriously don't know what to do with him right now, he is so hard headed and stubborn. I can't get anything through to him while he is having one of his tantrums, there is nothing but screaming and crying at the top of his lungs. He throws things, he starts fights with other kids, he literally flops on the floor like a fish out of water. Seriously this needs to let up very soon, when he gets spanked he beats himself up, he will punch himself repeatedly in the head, he will hit back violently, or it will just piss him off more. I took some advice and tried it, but honestly if your not the mother of my child you have no clue what your talking about. He is a lot like me, he has the worst attitude and when he is mad everyone pays for it. Spanking is out of the question, I've tried it, it got worse, he became violent, and it's not happening again. Time out seems to work the best, I just hate throwing him in time out a million times a day, but if it works then I guess I am going to have to. Letting him calm down in his room seems to help, he has stopped crying, and he wants some attention now. I guess I better go, wish me luck.

Stay Beautiful.

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